The peaches are rolling in to our farms and produce stores. Some are local, some from points south. But all of them are ready for cutting up, cobblering, canning -- and, of course, eating right out of the bag.
To celebrate we are posting Peach Haiku, sent in from our customers -- and where-ever. You can follow the familiar 5-7-5 syllable rule or you can ignore it. The point of haiku is two-fold, maybe three-fold: to stop and savor a particular moment, and to get a reader to do the same. Then (here's the tricky third part), to go beyond succulent description, toward the unsayable, the ineffable, the fun.
Post your Peach Haiku in your comment. Let 'em rip!
You can submit Peach Haikus to our website in the field at the bottom of every page! Here are the beauties that have come in so far:
Fuzz on a rough tongue
Something firm, resisting, yields
Sweet juice down my chin
Tasty, fuzzy orbs
Nectar: such succulence sweet
Too bad for the pits
Warm breeze and linens
A window sill: picturesque
Who stole my cobbler?
Hanging high above
Steve Miller was right.
I would... Like to shake your tree
Not quite an orange,
Nor the forbidden fruit, no!
You are just peachy.
The original
Chin dribbler in the round,
Worthy of stickiness
Beau's favorite treat,
The pride of Fishersville farm
Thanks be to Ronnie!
One peach and two hands?
An infernal conundrum.
I'd better buy two.
Pepper or a peach?
Which did Peter Piper pick?
Oh, Peter you fool!
Scrumptious citrus spheres
Spongy suede spills sloppily
Slurp: sounds of summer
The secret to life?
Wise man, lost in reverie...
"To live peachfully"